04 January, 2011

Gaines leads in Senate race - Roseville Press-Tribune

Gaines leads in Senate race - Roseville Press-Tribune

Today, we had a special election in Placer county (not all, i believe only 29% of the county actually was apart of this election due to the district lines)

Above is a link to a story off of the Roseville Press Tribune website, projecting the results. At the precinct I worked at, Gaines was leading the vote.

I am a firm believer that "If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain". My parents taught it to me, as their parents did them. I can understand some of the frustration of the voters (And precinct officers) of the costs behind this special election, some of the anger directed at Gaines (being a Conservative, and wanting to limit government, cutting costs, and help get California's economy back on track)

but come on, is it really Gaines fault? Special Elections are held all the time, I mean I remember several in the last few years alone, and I don't remember a blip about how much it was costing the county. And as a citizen of the United States you are given the right to vote and share in the Democratic office. Since July, the District 1 Senate seat has been vacated due to death of the previous state senator, Gaines had the opprotunity to run for his assembly seat AND the Senate seat in November.

In November it was too close to call, hence the special election today. If Gaines is named winner, his assembly seat vacancy will be cause for another special election later this spring.

I guess what I'm trying to say, yes I do understand the fustration of the costs, but at the same time, it is part of our democratic proccess. Without the Democratic process, we have no voice.

Did You?

01 January, 2011

Parents don't know what is right for their own kids, and passing down 'saving yourself till marriage' is a bad thing

I was just on facebook and M.O.M for America, Inc. posted an article about Planned Parenthood. Being interested, I read it to see what the organization is planning to do.

You can read the article here.

I am not a parent yet, but I have close friends that have a 15 month old and this will be something they will have to deal with, and when the time comes, something I'll have to deal with, I'm sure.

the first things that started to put my hackles up is "Social Change Initiative". over the last few years, Social and Change have become dirty words.

After reading the article on how Planned Parenthood wants to teach you the right way to teach your kids about sex, masturbation, contraceptives and homosexuality, I felt the urge to blog about it. Children as young as the day they were born are wanting to know what sex is? give me a break.

Hypothetically, if we promoted our children to have sex younger, who would they have sex with? Are we going to lower the age limit on going into Strip clubs or to buy and watch porn? Not to mention, its like handing a free pass to child sex predators to prey on children because 'they are sexually experementing'

And so much for 'saving yourself for marriage' 'it's a sacred act' and all that chastity stuff I was taught and am still living by today. What ever happened to those values?

I've have talked to some female friends of mine, the ones that didn't save themselves till marriage, and they've told me that they wished they would have, and that the respect me for holding out till the wedding night. I, personally don't think sex is shameful, as the article refers to it, I think it's sacred and should be shared with the one you are going to spend the rest of your life with.

So what do you think?

Update: My fiance also posted a blog post about the same article, if you wanted to read his take on this 'inititive' here.


I'd like to wish everyone a happy safe and sane new year. May it bring many blessings for you and yours.