16 December, 2009


I was perusing a fellow's blog and noticed a picture on it, It had lady Liberty holding out her hand and saying Stop America's Closed.

I have some mixed feelings on this issue, since I'm a great granddaughter of immigrants. I don't know what the current Immigration Laws are for our country, since I lack the need to watch and pay attention to the news 24-7 (I find it hampers my creative process, not that I don't find it interesting, just taken in little doses is enough for me, and if I miss something, I have a walking info hound as a fiance) Anyways, as I was saying I don't know the current laws, and I know there are people flooding to this country to get away from their oppressive governments and what not.

For them, it's still a land of opportunity. I think, if you want to live here, and become an actual citizen *THE RIGHT WAY* then you should have a chance. Have a sponsor here that will vouch for you, that you won't sit on your butt all day and watch tv, waiting for our government to hand you some money, that you didn't earn.

My Great Grand-father came over here, and worked. he had a sponsor here that told the government that he'd vouch for my Great grandfather, and that's what my great grandfather did. He worked, was able to become a citizen and bring his family over from Italy. His son's worked every day in their lives, all of them serving this country in branches of the military.
That's the way I think immigration should work, After all, America's a Melting pot of different nationalities and people. If we block the chance, we may loose the chance to know the brilliance of the next Albert Einstein or what have you


  1. Wow. Great post, Steph. I couldn't agree more. Now, if only we could get Congress to use those lumps that are three feet above their asses.

  2. GREAT post! We have traced our family history back and yes seen the manifest where our ancestors came in at Ellis Island. It was awesome to see -- they had to tell where they were living in their country and tell who they were meeting here where they would be staying and what job they did. We could see where one relative came over and a few years later brothers, cousins came over and he was the main contact and so on. They did it the "RIGHT WAY". I don't want to block the chance for brilliance to enter but I don't want our borders open like they are anymore either. It's such a fine line and in my mind no Muslim should be here. I go back to WWII when they took all the Japanese away from the west coast (interned them) in case they were sympathetic to the Japanese invaders. When they were released from internment they did receive payment (this I know from personal history). My thoughts are had we done something like that in 2001, the killings at Fort Hood recently wouldn't have happened. Like I said, it's a fine line and how to draw it is another thing.
    Thank you for your thought provoking post!


  3. Thanks Mac, I can also trace my family though Ellis Island, I haven't been there personally, but my mom has. And, even though they don't really teach about the internment camps in school, My parents taught me about it. It wasn't just the Japanese that were "targeted" if that's the right word. My great-Grandfather was 100% italian, and he had his radio taken away from the goverment incase he was sending messages to the enemy, even though all four of his sons were either in the military or helping load ships. but I agree with you. and thank you for becoming a follower
