as I sit here on the last day of August, facing a new month, the year of 2009 slowly dwindles to it's final months, I look back at the last year. A marriage, a birth, death, loss both material and financial, political power struggles, insults from government officials, war, fires.... the list is endless. Last year Evy and Char married, I lost my father the very next day, the start of this year, I lose my job and source of income, we loose our house due to foreclosure, I have to postpone my wedding to Lysander, Evy and Char have a child, though she's several months premature, so each day is a struggle to survive for the little one, I'm told daily by Lysander what the politicians who are appointed to see to "our best intrests" are calling us all idiots and basically telling us that we don't know what's good for us.
I am trying to keep my head above water, be optomistic, but it seems that each day, the water keeps rising and the air ceiling keeps decreseing and sometimes undertows drag me down.
Sometimes, like Tony Lewis in the 10th Kingdom, I could be a dog, and not have to worry about everything and anything.
I've included an awesome picture of Hiei, everyone's favorite fire demon from the Anime series Yu Yu Hakuso. Anyone who knows me knows that is it my favorite Anime of all time. I have been rewatching the series on DVD at night while I explore either Second Life as either Daphne Juneberry or Mystic Winterwolf or reading. Lysander, my mother and I have been doing a readathon since June 3rd, I've extended it to 12/31 since we'll be moving sometime in the near future. and I'm surprised that I've missed reading. I used to love to read, but after starting college and dating Zynn, I stopped, save the Harry Potter Series and school releated material. It started up again after I got into Manga, and for awhile, that's all I read. but now after doing this readathon, I've got back into reading and sometimes, I'll be on Secondlife, reading, and watching TV or a DVD.
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