19 February, 2010

Why oh Why?

I just don't understand all of the negative press against Sara Pailn. Why is it so wrong for a woman to stand up to the crap that the left keeps throwing her way? Do they see the white light speeding at them at the end of the tunnel when she's around? I just don't get it.

Why do they have to attack her choices? I mean aren't we all accountable for our choices to our selves and God? every where I look on Facebook it's more anti Sarah Pailn crap that honestly should be shoveled into some garden somewhere.

Everyone's entitled to their on opinion, but honestly, can't you just show her some resepect for standing up for what she believes is RIGHT? she sticks to her guns, honest and fair. we USED to respect those who were honest and stood up for what they believed, why should we think any differently about her?

these smear campaigns are only prove one thing, the other side is scared. I am so sick of these campaigns. Why can't we go back to what it was like in school where the kids are running for class president and they just tell you their platform and on to the next one, let you decide who should be in charge..... ah the good old days

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